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AORN Global Surgical Conference & Expo 2024 has concluded. We hope you got the most out of all the valuable information and experiences.

Please join us April 5-8, 2025 as AORN Global Surgical Conference & Expo takes Boston by storm!

Princess Sarah Culberson

Humanitarian, Actress, Author of "A Princess Found"
Princess Sarah Culberson is a renowned international thought leader, TEDx speaker, artist, and educator known for her work on biracial and cultural identity, as well as her advocacy for Sierra Leone.

Jia Jiang

Inspirational and Emotional Intelligence Speaker
Jiang stepped out of the corporate world and his biggest fear was rejection. He soon discovered that rejection can be much less painful than we believe, and that the fear of rejection is much more destructive than we know.

Chad Foster

Author and Award-Winning Business Leader
Chad was the first blind graduate of the Harvard Business School leadership program. Today he entertains audiences with his keynote presentations, while breaking down the anatomy of resilience and encourages his audiences to push through setbacks.